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Delaware House Republicans

Meet Your Representative

Charles S. Postles Jr.

District 33

Charles S. Postles Jr.

State Rep. Charles Postles Jr. was born July 30, 1949. The eldest of three children, he has two sisters.

Aside from college, Rep. Postles has spent his life in the district he now represents. He initially attended public school in Frederica and later graduated from Milford High School.

He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture Business Management at the University of Delaware, where he met his wife, Janet. They married in 1972 and have three children, three grandchildren, and one great-grand child.

Rep. Postles first job was with Farm Credit, a lending company catering to the unique needs of farmers. However, he soon turned to poultry farming – a vocation he continues today as a grower for Perdue.

Charles Postles has a long history of community involvement and service. He sits on the boards of directors for the Frederica Senior Center, the Kent County Regional Sports Complex Corporation (DE Turf), and the Kent County Farm Bureau. He is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford, the Cedarfield Ruritan Club, the Delaware Agricultural Museum and Village, the Delmarva Poultry Industry, and the Milford Future Farmers of America Alumni Association.

Before being elected to represent the 33rd District in the Delaware House of Representatives in 2016, Charles Postles served as a member and president of the Milford School Board.

Rep. Postles has been an outspoken supporter of the agricultural community in the General Assembly and is one of the few active farmers serving in the legislature. He is also an advocate for improving public education and protecting the rights of citizens from governmental intrusion.


Spouse: Janet


B.S., University of Delaware


Farmer - Self Employed

Legislative Service:

House, 2016 - Present


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Legislative Highlights

House Bill 326

From the 151st General Assembly, this Act creates the Delaware Education Right to Know Act to give parents, guardians, and other education stakeholders more information and opportunities to evaluate public and charter school education in Delaware and to express concerns […]

House Bill 392

From the 151st General Assembly, this Bill amends the notice provision of the Administrative Procedures Act to include copies of the regulatory flexibility analysis and the economic impact statement. It also creates the requirement of an Economic Impact Statement and […]

House Bill 402

From the 151st general Assembly, this Act amends the Charter of the City of Milford by allowing the City to adopt the assessments of real property conducted by Kent and Sussex County. Also, it states that if the value was […]

House Bill 407

From the 151st General Assembly, this Act confers upon the Town Manager of the Town of Frederica the powers and authority conferred upon the Receiver of Taxes and County Treasurer for Kent County as set forth in Del.C. 87 specifically […]