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Delaware House Republicans

House Bill 307

Ronald E. Gray

From the 151st General Assembly, this Act amends the Town of South Bethany Charter to provide the correct citation to charter provisions relating to residency. Additionally, the Council organizational meeting will be within 30 days after the election of members instead of being the first Saturday after the elections. For the complete bill, please click here:

Legislative Highlights

House Bill 197

From the 151st General Assembly, this Bill modernizes the fees agents who sell Delaware State Park permits and Surf Fishing Vehicle permits may now impose. Licensing agents may now add a service charge of up to $2.50 for a state […]

House Bill 332 - House Amendment 1, HA 2

From the 151st General Assembly, this Act decreases the Contractor Registration Fee for contractors who do not have a state contract and have 10 or less employees from $200 per year to $100 per year. For the complete bill, please […]

House Bill 391

From the 151st General Assembly, this Act amends the Charter of the Town of Millville. Section 1 of the Act revises the closing time for the closing of the polls on the day of the municipal election, from 8 p.m. […]